You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.3. Inventory - Purchase Order Creation > Purchase Order Creation Overview > Ventyx-Related Fields on the Purchase Order Creation Screen (v2.8)
Ventyx-Related Fields on the Purchase Order Creation Screen (v2.8)

If your company uses Ventyx software to place purchase orders with suppliers electronically, and you select a Ventyx supplier in the the Supplier No field, the Purchase Order Creation - Detail screen displays a number of additional fields relating to the status of a purchase order and any changes made to individual purchase order lines.


Technical Tip

The Ventyx Supplier Purchase Order interface is designed to allow purchase orders created in Micronet to be sent automatically to the specified supplier via the Ventyx procurement software. Purchase orders are created in Micronet and posted as usual. When a purchase order is posted, it is converted into an XML file which is automatically sent to the specified supplier. Both the Micronet customer and the supplier must be Ventyx customers.



Technical Tip

All of this information also applies if your company uses B2Be instead of Ventyx.

The additional fields on this screen are:





Purchase order header

These are the fields at the top of the Purchase Order Creation - Detail screen.


B2B Status

This field displays the status of the entire purchase order.

Possible statuses are:





New Original

A new purchase order that has not yet been sent to the supplier


Original Order Sent - No Response

The purchase order has been sent to the supplier but no response has been received


Original Order – Accepted

The purchase order has been received by the supplier and accepted


Original Order – Amended

The purchase order has been received by the supplier and accepted with some amendments


Original Order – Rejected

The purchase order has been received by the supplier and rejected


Order has been changed

The purchase order has been changed in Micronet and sent to the supplier


Change Order Sent - No Response

A purchase order changed in Micronet has been sent to the supplier but no response has been received


Change Order Accepted

A purchase order changed in Micronet has been received by the supplier and accepted


Change Order – Amended

A purchase order changed in Micronet has been received by the supplier and accepted with some amendments


Change Order - Rejected

A purchase order changed in Micronet has been received by the supplier and rejected


Order Deleted

The purchase order has been deleted in Micronet


Cancellation Sent - No Response

A cancellation request has been sent to the supplier but no response has been received (Integrated suppliers only)


Cancellation Accepted

A cancellation request has been sent to the supplier and accepted (Integrated suppliers only)


Cancellation Rejected

A cancellation request has been sent to the supplier and rejected (Integrated suppliers only)


Order Cancelled

The purchase order has been cancelled by the supplier (Integrated suppliers only)



Not currently used


Awaiting Confirmed Shipment

The purchase order has been accepted by the supplier and is awaiting confirmation of shipment (future use)


Confirmed Shipment

The purchase order has been shipped by the supplier (future use)



The purchase order has been shipped by the supplier and received in Micronet (future use)


B2B Version

This field displays the Ventyx version number. This number is incremented by 1 every time the purchase order is sent to Ventyx.



Technical Tip

Don’t confuse the purchase order version number with the purchase order history number. The history number is assigned by Micronet (depending on your Registry / profile settings). It is appended to the end of the purchase order number and incremented by 1 each time a purchase order is changed but not sent to the supplier (e.g. 99872/001, 99872/002, etc.). When loading purchase orders, users can choose the specific history file they want to load.

The version number is only incremented when the purchase order is sent to the supplier.



Resp Date

This field displays the date of the last response received from Ventyx.


Purchase order lines

These are the lines at the bottom of the Purchase Order Creation - Detail screen.



This column displays the status of each purchase order line.

Possible statuses are:

  • New – a new purchase order line has been added or created
  • Accepted – the purchase order line has been accepted by the supplier with no amendments
  • Item Accepted with Amendment – the purchase order line has been accepted by the supplier with amendments (as displayed in the Change column)
  • Rejected – the purchase order line has been rejected by the supplier.

In the case of Accepted with Amendment or Rejected, you must negotiate with the supplier and agree changes to the purchase order, generate a ChangeOrder and receive back a fully accepted OrderResponse to complete the order process.



This field displays any changes to a purchase order line.

For new purchase orders, there is simply a line indicating no change.

When a purchase order line has been changed, the following letters may be displayed in this field (in the format “AD__IPSQ”):

  • A – line item added
  • D – line item deleted
  • I – item number changed
  • P – price or discount changed
  • S – schedule (due date) changed
  • Q – quantity changed.

If you load a previously saved purchase order and start making changes, the B2B Status changes automatically to Order has been Changed, and the Status and Change columns show the changes made.

When you receive a purchase order from a supplier, Micronet updates the B2B Status of the entire purchase order, as well as the Status and Change fields for each order line.

A Text button is displayed at the bottom of the screen. If the supplier has added response text to the order, this button will be enabled. Select the button to read the supplier’s comments, which you can then delete (like normal header text) if they don’t need to be kept.